Puntata del 07/04/2023
I brani trasmessi:
1) Yes- And you and I
2) Van Der Graaf Generator- House with no door
3) Gentle Giant- Funny ways
4) Cream- Sunshine for your love
5) Lou Reed- Coney Island Baby
6) Neil Young- On the Beach
7) David Crosby- Cowboy movie
8) Cult- Fire woman
9) The Godfathers- Birth, school, work, death
10)Stranglers- Walk on by
11) Danse Society- Somewhere
12) Joy Division- Atmosphere
13) Soft Cell- Numbers
14) Enrico Durante- Anna”s smile
15) Bluevertigo- La crisi
16) Greeta Van Fleet- When the curtain falls
17) Led Zeppelin – Whole lotta love